Tuesday, 3 January 2017

A tweak and a promise

So today I'm a bit embarrassed,  the declutter challenge of the day was "declutter and organise kitchen sink area" my 'before' pictures are a shocker. But I must say I'm pretty proud of myself for the 'after' pictures.

I did some work on it while 'A' napped, but got stuck when I needed to vacuum. We have a real 'daddy long legs' spider problem and no matter how much I vacuum I cannot keep control of them, they make their webs everywhere: in our cottage pane windows, the cornices and once the toilet- our only toilet we have, we were only out of the house for 4 hours! But anyway I digress. 'A' woke up and I was able to vacuum the windows and window sill above the sink.

They say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 90 days to make it a lifestyle change. So my new habit is going to be no dishes in the sink or draining rack and counters wiped and clear at the end of the day.

I did a small tweak today for the #365project, new cushions for our couches :)

I tried to get more spray paint in the navy gloss today, but the hardware store I went to was out of stock, I'm an eager beaver and want to get to more spraying. Due to more rain today out door diy was delayed :(
We need the rain so I can't complain, I'll embrace it and rejoice in the fact that my marigolds will grow.


Shared on : one-project-at-a-time-january-2017

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