Saturday, 7 January 2017

Number one fan

Today was more about running around and getting things we need for future tasks, a very busy Saturday I must say.

Last Summer our ceiling fan in our bedroom broke, we did nothing about it at the time, so today we bought a new ceiling fan and started the process of installing it, stalling being the operative word ;) 'M' got the old one down (with 'A's' help of course)

but the instructions for wiring it up are limited. So we're stalled for tonight. Tomorrow we'll get help from our electrician brother in law. Luckily its an independant fan unit so its not connected to any light fittings, and its not like we had a working fan anyway.

We also bought some lavendar plants and some stones for the succulent garden which is a work in progress, I primed the pots and just need to paint them tomorrow morning quickly, we have a helper in the garden tomorrow so that's one of his tasks for the day- to replant the lavender :)

One small organising task I did today was to get plastic envelopes for 'A's' puzzles, they fit in perfectly and its incredibly pleasing to my ocd nature.

The declutter task for today is to declutter pot holders and kitchen towels, since I have so few to start with there is nothing to declutter. I will however be adding more. We are goung the unpaper towel route. What is unpaper towels you ask? It's cloth that is used in place of paper towels in the kitchen, you wipe up spills and counters with them, you can use them as napkins and then you wash and reuse them. Mine are flannel on one side and toweling on the other side.

I upcycled some of 'A's' burp clothes and they are now in the kitchen, he was quite an unburpy (is that a word?) baby so most of them are brand new.

I'll get more into other 'green living' things we do in another post, we cloth diaper and use cloth wipes too, and I use cloth sanitary pads and a menstrual cup.

Onto tomorrow, another busy day.


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